Deploy the most popular Ubuntu LTS release on ColossusCloud!
Ubuntu Linux is one of the most popular Linux distributions in the industry. It is usually ahead of others in terms of package versions and stability, offering the latest in changes available in the Linux operating system environment.
Our Ubuntu LTS (Long Term Release) templates are available to you to deploy automatically onto your favorite VPS size.
The following Ubuntu LTS versions are available for your new VPS:
- Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
Why an LTS release? LTS versions of Ubuntu are supported by its developers for up to five years. This means that you don't have to constantly replace your operating system like with other Linux distributions.
And with ColossusCloud, your Ubuntu VPS will enjoy:
- Fast network, powered by the Internet's top providers, such as NTT, Cogent, Zayo, Telstra and others.
- Xeon E5 CPUs by Intel.
- Ceph based distributed, 100% SSD storage for your VPS.
- Fully redundant 10g/40g network.
To begin deploying your new Ubuntu virtual server, just sign up on the form to the left. You will have a new Ubuntu VPS running in just minutes!
Deploy an Ubuntu VPS Today!
General purpose virtual servers
These are virtual servers with a good balance of RAM and CPU, for small and medium usage. They are also great for multi-threaded applications, such as hosting many websites for your clients.
High frequency virtual servers
For applications that need high processing power per hit, our G4 plans will do. They are powered by Intel's Xeon Gold processors at 3.5Ghz!
Storage optimized virtual servers
When you need to store large amounts of data, these virtual servers can provide terabytes of space. They also include a generous amount of CPU power and RAM.
High memory optimized virtual servers
When your application needs a lot of RAM, these virtual servers will do the work. These are great for large RAM based databases, caching servers and gaming.

Your favorite Linux Ubuntu distros are all available
From Debian to RedHat, they are one click away
- Debian 10
- Debian 11
- Debian 12
- Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
- AlmaLinux OS 8
- AlmaLinux OS 9
- Rocky Linux OS 8
- Rocky Linux OS 9
Ubuntu VPS servers available at 6 locations around the world
- 1Silicon Valley, California
- 2Las Vegas, Nevada
- 3Dallas, Texas
- 4Ashburn, Virginia
- 5Armsterdam, Netherlands
- 6Singapore